The Dhebi A Tugoin(Lip Plate): Unmasking the Timeless Beauty of the Mursi People

por Meshach Adeiyongo


In the remote reaches of southwest Ethiopia, a mysterious cultural tradition continues to captivate the world. The lip plate, or dhebi a tugoin, is a distinctive ornament worn by the Mursi people, who are known for their intricate craftsmanship and unique rituals. This ancient adornment is more than just a fashion statement; it is a symbol of social status, beauty, and cultural identity.Its use in popular culture is highlighted in our Black Panther blog.  Join us as we peel back the layers of this inspiring culture and uncover the mysteries of the Lip Plate - a breathtaking and timeless tradition that continues to leave its mark on history.

A Window into Mursi Heritage:

Deep within the Omo Valley, the Mursi people have preserved their traditions for centuries, safeguarding their cultural identity in the face of modernity's encroachment. The dhebi a tugoin, a unique wooden or clay lip plate implanted into a young woman's lower lip, is at the core of their culture. This unique custom, which is only applied to women of marriageable age, is said to improve their beauty, signal their entry into maturity, and have an impact on the size of their dowry, which is frequently a herd of cattle.

The Making of a Masterpiece:

A dhebi a tugoin requires talent and perseverance to create because it is a complex process. The lip plate is meticulously carved by Mursi artists using materials from their surroundings, etching beautiful patterns that reflect the community's cultural traditions. These lip plates' exquisite craftsmanship is a testament to the Mursi people's close relationship with nature and their extraordinary capacity to turn simple materials into captivating works of art.


Source: Guardian Life


Source: Baker K


Source: documentarytube

Beauty, Identity, and Social Significance:

The dhebi a tugoin has great social and cultural significance for the Mursi community, in addition to its aesthetic appeal. The dhebi a tugoin is a sign of femininity and is connected to the idea of fertility. It acts as a symbol of communal pride and identity. Lip plates are typically worn by newlyweds and unmarried women on four important occasions: attending dances and duels, participating in ceremonial gatherings, and serving their husbands food. A Mursi woman may walk with her head held high thanks to the lip plate.The likelihood of a woman getting married is often determined by the size of her lip plate; larger plates indicate greater desirability. These adornments, alongside intricate scarification patterns, elaborate beadwork, and traditional hairstyles, serve as markers of individual and communal identity, weaving a complex tapestry that connects Mursi women to their ancestral roots and to one another.

Contemporary Africa: Bridging Tradition and Modernity:

As Africa undergoes rapid transformation in the 21st century, the Mursi people's cultural heritage, including the dhebi a tugoin, stands as a poignant reminder of the continent's rich tapestry of traditions. In a world increasingly interconnected, the Mursi people navigate a delicate balance between preserving their customs and adapting to the forces of globalisation. The dhebi a tugoin symbolises this ongoing dialogue between tradition and modernity, serving as a source of cultural pride and resilience.

The Global Fascination with Mursi Culture:

The Mursi people and their unique practises have captured the imagination of the global community. Their distinctive beauty and customs have become subjects of admiration, curiosity, and, at times, controversy. As travellers and scholars explore the realms of Mursi culture, the lip plate acts as a gateway to understanding the broader complexities of Africa's diverse heritage and the ongoing struggles for cultural preservation in a rapidly changing world.

Preserving Tradition in an Evolving Landscape:

The Mursi people's ability to adapt to the challenges of the contemporary world while maintaining their cultural integrity is a testament to their resilience. Efforts are underway to safeguard their traditions and ensure that the dhebi a tugoin continues to occupy a cherished place within Mursi society. Collaborative initiatives between the Mursi community and local authorities, alongside broader awareness campaigns, aim to foster appreciation for their cultural heritage and empower the Mursi people to shape their own narrative on the global stage.


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