Soapstone Natural Spoon Rest

Soapstone Interiors
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The minimalist, rustic design of our soapstone spoon rest is simple and functional and fits in very well in any kitchen space

Product Details

Dimensions: 3.25 inches inside diameter

Colors Available

You can get the kitchen spoon holder in off-white, pink, brown, grey or black although with slight color variation

Care Instructions

Please handle it with care, soapstone is fragile. Wipe it clean with damp cloth

How it's Made

We pride ourselves in bringing you luxurious home decor made from natural soapstone found in Kisii County in Kenya. Kenyan soapstone (Kisii soapstone) naturally comes in varied colors; mostly off-white/cream, pink, light brown, grey and black. Some soapstone blocks come with veins of different hues unevenly spread in it. While off-white and pink colored soapstone are softer and easier to work with, black soapstone is the hardest and rarest.

Please bear in mind as you place your order that all soapstone products have slight variations due to the nuances of natural stone. You'll not find any two soapstone pieces identical to each other.

Also products may have slight variation. Please understand that all our soapstone items are handmade and handmade items by nature have some inconsistencies.  We however guarantee thorough and quality finish. Whichever pieces you decide on from our selection of home decor, just know it will be, timeless, stunning and you'll love it.


Soapstone is a mineral, naturally formed therefore each spoon rest will have unique coloring and patterns. The spoon rest you will receive may vary slightly from the product picture.


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Curabitur suscipit velit vitae justo sollicitudin, quis ullamcorper lorem pellentesque. Nulla sed lobortis risus. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam iaculis molestie dictum. Morbi quis libero ut nunc rutrum facilisis.
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sed convallis.

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