IP Copyright Infringement
What is (and isn't) Intellectual Property Infringement:
If a maker is creating items that have been copyrighted or trademarked by someone else they MUST have the legal right to do so. This means the vast majority of makers on goimagine can't re-create trademarked items, such as, painting a Sports Team Logo, crocheting a Baby Yoda or making a Sorting Hat from Harry Potter. If a seller on Meekono does have the written consent to sell trademarked materials we may ask for that proof for verification.
That said, in some instances people may purchase trademarked/copyrighted items, alter them creatively to make them unique and resell them. As long as that item DOES NOT have a warning that it is for "personal use only" or says "not for resale" then this is perfectly legal. If the item says it's for personal use only or not for resale then you are in breach of the terms of the manufacturer.
By purchasing a trademarked item and reselling is (whether altered or not) it falls under the First Sales Doctrine you can read about here: https://theipcenter.com/2010/0...